You are more than welcome to share the works by Shemoth 31 with others.
As for the writings found on our social media pages please do mention that the writings are from Shemoth 31. Respectfully we do not want to be the victim of plagiarism. All we ask is that you would please respect the following guidelines.
By viewing works by Shemoth 31 and our social media pages/webpages, you agree to:
Share respectfully.
Share kindly.
Consider, that this is for Yah, and not for man.
in addition You agree not to:
Disrespect – The works or property of Shemoth 31, for the works on here are pointing to Yah. Thus we hope you respect Him enough to respect all the works on this website and our social media profiles.
Sell or Resell – The works on here once again are for Yah. We want them to be a message to people pointing back to our Creator and King who is the King of Kings. Thus the works are “free” in viewing and sharing. We want to keep it that way. He gave us our gifts and talents. So we will honor Him first with them. Please don’t rob people by selling any of the works on this website or our social media profiles for your personal gain or profit of any sort. The works by Shemoth 31 and affiliated sites (and social media) are not to be used commercially. But you are welcome to share these works. If you are interested in a print, copy, t-shirt, or other merchandise of the works by Shemoth 31 just contact us! We can arrange something.
Manipulate – We are advocating creativity for Him, but please keep the works on here as well as our social media pages original. If you want to share any works by Shemoth 31 in one of your creative works let us know! Just please respect the “original” works you see here. We prefer not to have anything manipulated, reconfigured, edited, revamped, or any other “modification” you can think of happen to the works by Shemoth 31.
Nonetheless, please share! Indeed such works are for Him and not us. Thus please consider that all is for Him. If you see the creative commons (label or logo) it is simply so that people won’t try to sell the works.
We hope to inspire other digital media artists to create for Yah, indeed it can be anything. Poetry, writing, digital illustrations, motion graphics, and the list goes on.
May the Most High, our Elohim bless you and keep you and may He make His face to shine upon you and give you everlasting peace!